Imagined as a platform for speaking out about our inner truth. Alexis Jestin created the trio SOLI-X-VERITA, for his second collaboration with the Collectivo Danzen of Quito. Three performers with electric presences will perform in a un-consensual choreography designed for their unique and authentic personalities. Leaving the epigenetic inheritance in search of what we deeply are, to discover our intrinsic truth on a path that will reach a danced catharsis.

Premiere 30 September 2023 Museo Atre Contemporaneo Quito Ecuador

Conception & Choreography: Alexis Jestin Co-Creadores: Edison Galvan - Alejandra Nunez Bajas - Valeria Aguirre Music: Dileemma Fashion Design: Carlos Vera Production: UNDERDOG Project - Danzen Colectivo - Creatividad EC -L’Atelier Danza Ballet Comunication: Gaby Vinueza Video: David Guzman Photos: Gonzalo Guana


