Alexis Jestin created MEMORIA CUERPO Y EXILIO for 40 amateur dancers in the beautiful city of Montevideo, Uruguay. Invited by Luiggi Bergatta, the director of the Migrations Museum, the performance was presented on September 11th, a date loaded with historical significance, marking events such as the Chilean insurrection. This performance evening concluded the academic-museum program Uruguay, Country of Exiles, reflecting on themes of memory, exile, and displacement.
Premiere 11 September 2023 Museo de las Migraciones Montevideo Uruguay
A project part of the Artventure LOOK WHAT THE WORLD DID TO US.
Conception & Choreography: Alexis Jestin Production: UNDERDOG Project - MUMI Museo de las Migraciones - French Embassy in Uruguay - Murailla Abierta - Cabildo Museum - I.M Cultura - Escuela EMAD - UDELAR Videos & Fotos: Alexandra Castellanos