Alexis Jestin create MEMORIA CUERPO Y EXILIO for 40 amateurs dancers in the beautiful city of Montevideo in Uruguay. Following the invitation of the director of the Migrations Museum: Luiggi Bergatta, the performance is presented september 11th. A key date charged by the reprezentation of many events, including the insurrection in Chile… A performance evening that closed the academic-museum program: Uruguay, country of exiles.

Premiere 11 September 2023 Museo de las Migraciones Montevideo Uruguay
A project part of the Artventure LOOK WHAT THE WORLD DID TO US.

Conception & Choreography: Alexis Jestin Production: UNDERDOG Project - MUMI Museo de las Migraciones - French Embassy in Uruguay - Murailla Abierta - Cabildo Museum - I.M Cultura - Escuela EMAD - UDELAR Videos & Fotos: Alexandra Castellanos


