DOG EAT DOG, I loved to hate you.

A love duet story thought as an intense intimate diary inspired by real facts. Collected from personals stories and passionates follies as noted in a journal. It will revive the figures and the traces that remain romanticized lived experiences.

Premiere 19th November 2022 8pm

KLAP Maison pour la Danse de Marseille, France.

Conception & Choreography: Alexis Jestin Dancers: Vera Gorbatcheva & Jamil Attar Music: DILEMMA Light Design: Samson Milcent Fashion Design: Alexis Jestin & Vera Gorbatcheva Scenography: Alexis Jestin & Samson Milcent Production: UNDERDOG Project Co-Productions: KLAP Maison de la Danse de Marseille - Fondation Royaumont - Dilemme Music studio Bruxelles / Supports: Warsaw Dance Department Poland - Wolubilis Theater Bruxelles - Studio 783 Nantes - La Fabrique de la Danse Nantes France - Studio Akimode Valencia Spain / DRAC PACA Aide au Projet - Ville de Marseille


I wish through the creation of DOG EAT DOG, I loved to hate you to realize a love duet inspired by real facts.
Collecting my personal stories of my passionate follies as noted in a journal.
I will make my memory revive the figures and traces that remind me of my romanticized lived experiences.

Love relationships always prove to be a particularly inspiring playground. Since antiquity, couples have loved and torn each other and have made the relationship between two people a universal and timeless subject of exploration. This duet is an invitation, a plunge into an autobiographical tale. Like a self-portrait that unfolds in the pursuit of my failed love experiences. I will open up my hidden secret gardens, to the complicit glances of a couple of dancer-performer. Who, thanks to their own story of a couple in life, their unique and intrinsic complicity, will transcend, from their own description, the stage with all the sensitivity and intimacy of the excesses that a couple can go through. I would explore in a space of freedom, allowing myself to evoke with these two lovers, my unique lived or imagined experience, a materiality of the body charged with sensuality, libido, tenderness, solitude and memories.
A reflection that we will open to their own imaginary as singular couple. We will reveal a radical, moving and original love adventure.

Delivering the story of a love that is complicit, fusional, passionate, marked with betrayal and tearing,
which will be transform to continue to live into a new eternal form.

Love is a perpetual struggle.
A fight that is never won in advance.
A love can destroy itself and tear our heart apart in seconds if we are not careful.
Philippe Savin



